Register for School
Student Services
Safe and Healthy Schools
Other Resources
Special Education
**Open Enrollment (for non-resident students) for South Summit School District is November 15th to the first Friday in February. Written decisions will be sent by March 31st from each individual school.**
All new students must register with South Summit School District. Below is a checklist for each item that needs to be completed before students can begin attending school. Please complete both steps for each student. Students will not be registered until all steps are completed.
District Boundary Map (interactive)
Affidavit of Proof of Residency (English)
Affidavit of Proof of Residency (Spanish)
Nursing Services
*If your child has any medical conditions that the school needs to be aware of please notify the school nurse at
STEP 1: Preregistration for new students
*Preregistration (Grades 1-12) for Fall will be open after August 1st
(If your student has been previously enrolled in South Summit School District please skip to step 3.)
Click on the link of the school where you need to preregister your student.
South Summit High School (9-12)
South Summit Elementary School (Kindergarten)
South Summit Elementary (Preschool ages 3 & 4)
Silver Summit Academy (6-12)
Silver Summit Elementary (K-5)
STEP 2: Appointment for new students
To complete registration and to schedule an appointment with the appropriate school proceed to the links below.
Documentation-Bring the following documents with you to your school appointments.
Photo ID
Proof of residency (utility bill, affidavit of proof of residency, etc. showing parent/guardian's current name and address that proves you live within school boundaries)
Birth certificate
Immunization records
If you choose to file a Personal Exemption, please complete the online form at and bring a copy of the completed exemption form
Transcripts from past school(s) attended
Required for SSHS and SSA
Proof of guardianship (if necessary)
If living with anyone other than a biological parent, transfer of guardianship documents MUST be provided. In case of a divorce, court documents MUST be provided showing that the parent has legal custody of the student.
Proof of residency (if necessary)
This form is to be completed if residency requirements cannot be provided due to the fact that the parent(s) and child(ren) are sharing a home with another person SEVEN DAYS A WEEK YEAR ROUND. This affidavit must be re-certified through Student Services annually.
Step 3: Click on School Link below