Online Class Changes Are Opening This Week!

Starting the afternoon of May 8th, students will be able to see their 2023-2024 schedules in Class Choice and students will be able to make changes to their schedule as well. Students will be able to make schedule changes in a progressive manner with next year's seniors allowed to change first, then juniors, etc. Class choice will open for students as follows:

  • Next Year's Seniors...May 8th

  • Next Year's Juniors...May 10th

  • Next Year's Sophomores...May 15th

  • Next Year's Freshmen...May 17th

  • Class Choice CLOSES for everyone...May 24th

IMPORTANT things to remember while changing your schedule!! PLEASE READ CAREFULLY!

  • Look at your "Graduation Progress" in PowerSchool to make sure you are taking the classes you need to fulfill graduation requirements!

  • Everyone must have a FULL schedule except seniors. (limited exceptions can be made for juniors in August) If you do not fill all 5 periods for both Green and White days, a counselor will fill your schedule for you!

  • Seniors MUST have at least 5 classes in their schedule to walk at graduation.

  • Remember, if you are taking courses that fall in a sequence (ex. Drawing A and Drawing B) you must have already taken the prerequisite courses or at least have them in your schedule. (Finish A before taking B)

  • If you adjust your Math 1 or 2 class, Math 1010, 1050, or AP Calculus, remember that you have Math EVERY day. That means you must schedule both Core Math 1 and Core Math 1 Elective during the same period, but on opposite days. (one on White day and the other on Green day). This does not apply to Honors Math.

  • Make sure you have all of your CORE classes. You need an English, Math, Science, and Social Studies class in your schedule!

How to make SCHEDULE CHANGES in Class Choice